disneyland year pass price

disneyland year pass price

Disneyland Announces Year Pass Price Increase for 2022

Disneyland has just announced that there will be a price increase for their year passes in 2022. This increase comes after a year of closures and limited capacity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specifics of the Increase

The price increase will vary depending on the type of year pass. The popular Signature Pass, for example, will see a price increase of $100, bringing the total price to $1,499.

Reasons for the Increase

Disneyland cites rising costs of operations and inflation as the primary reasons for the price increase. They also mention the need to maintain high-quality experiences for guests.

Impact on Visitors

For frequent visitors to Disneyland, this price increase may be an added expense to consider. Many are already expressing disappointment online, while others understand the need for the increase.

Planning Ahead

If you are considering purchasing a year pass for Disneyland in 2022, it’s important to plan ahead and budget for the price increase. Keep an eye out for any additional changes or updates from Disneyland as the year progresses.